Sunday, October 09, 2005

Seattle and beyond...

I'm in Seattle, living with my brother and working full-time on the project. It's going great -- will have a demo done pretty soon. Next week I'll give a talk at the Seattle branch of Planetwork.

Three different friends told me to get in touch with the Great Transition Initative (at Tellus Institute), and I finally did. Had a great chat with Orion Kriegman, who has agreed to join the advisory group, and invited me to participate in GTI. GTI is a brain trust of sustainability scholars and activists mapping out a vision for the transition to sustainability. Their approach is more top-down than I prefer, but it's a great opportunity to connect with many smart people from all over the globe.

Two new advisors join our distinguished group: Orion Kriegman and Dave Miller. Great to have their totally distinctive skills and vision on board!

Orion Kriegman: Organizer and researcher at Tellus Institute's Great Transition Initative. Orion is a graduate of the Harvard's Kennedy School, where he specialised in community participation in the sustainable development of urban neighborhoods. He coordinated the creation of the Urban Ecovillage Network (UEN) and was the Project Officer for the Reflecting on Peace Practice Project (RPP), a practitioner's learning network gathering lessons learned about various peacebuilding efforts in internal armed conflicts.

Dave Miller: Seasoned entrepreneur, angel investor, and clean energy advocate. In his former life, Dave started and sold a successful tech company, then helped run a venture fund at Lucent. He's currently getting his Ph.D. at MIT's lab for Energy and the Environment, and is active at the intersection of energy, business, and environmentalism.


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